Monday, April 13, 2009

notes for note writing

In the past few weeks I've had thoughts about writing pieces on these themes:
Military drumming versus trance drumming and the different emotional states that arise from each.
Listening to Nirvana Unplugged at the Seattle coffee shop on Easter morning, perhaps with musings on the differences between Chicago and Seattle and why I live in a place I like less.
Brother can you spare me a solo?
TNT as sung by Carlos should probably contain the words "Actually I think I might be able to explain the reasoning behind that. You see, it's due to the fact that I'm TNT..."
Somewhere between too much and not enough is the mysterious, nearly undefinable quantity called "just right".
I'm getting old. Last week I spent nearly two full minutes thinking about things that were completely unrelated to sex.
Travel by air: the views from above.
Fake niceness only SEEMS nicer than genuine rudeness.
Country song: "I still miss my ex, but my aim is improving" Buy More Bullets Remix.
Note to self: Don't include song title listed above in any public posting.

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