No, that isn’t the number of words I’ve written in my blog. It’s a number from my calculator. It’s the number I get when I divide the current estimated population of the earth by 1000. The population of the earth is estimated to be 6.3 billion. That means that 6,300,000 people who are currently alive are each “one in a thousand”. Also, there are some 6,300 people alive today who are each “one in a million”.
If I was looking for something impressive to say about a person, I might be tempted to refer to a person as one in a million. That sounds nice. “Hey. You're one in a million!”
Yesterday some nice people came to my door and they gave me a FREE MAGAZINE!!! It’s called “The Watchtower.” I think Bob Dylan wrote a song about it, Jimi Hendrix covered it and so did U2: All Along The Watchtower. That song ROCKED!
I can only assume that the nice people who gave me a free The Watchtower were also people who ROCK!
Rock on Jehovah’s Witnesses!
Well, I didn’t see any articles that really rocked, but you know, even Rolling Stone puts out an occasional issue that doesn’t really rock, so I didn’t let that bother me. There’s always next month. I’m a patient man.
There was one article way in the back—under the heading “Questions From Readers” about a verse from the Bible. The verse was Ecclesiastes 7:28, possibly written by old-school Hebrew king Solomon. It is quoted as saying “I have found…one true man in a thousand, but never a true woman.” The “…” is the part the magazine editors skipped over. I didn’t choose that snip.
It goes on to say that Solomon had 700 wives and 300 concubines. He must have been something like an ancient P. Diddy. Probably threw one hell of a party.
“Go Shlomo!
It’s your birthday!
Let’s party like it’s ya birthday!
Drink Bacardi like it’s ya birthday!
It’s ya birthday, it’s ya birthday!”
So, the thousand women in Sol’s life were all women whose pants he was in. Maybe he didn’t have time to meet any other women. I think we could forgive him for saying that out of the thousand women whose booties he was personally bouncing, not one of them was a true woman. Familiarity breeds contempt. Ancient kings o’ Israel breeded a thousand women at a time.
What a guy!
But Ole Dude wisely noticed that one man out of a thousand was a true man. Later, the J.W.’s took that to mean that Jesus was the true man of whom Solomon spoke.
Nowadays, with 6.3 billion of us on the planet, there are probably 6,300,000 Jesuses (Jesii?), statistically speaking.
That’s pretty decent odds that you probably have a true man in YOUR VERY OWN NEIGHBORHOOD!!!
But let’s make sure we don’t get caught up in Solomon’s personal drama: let’s assume that about half of those true men are true women.
Now if that doesn’t rock, I don’t know what does!
I can hardly wait for next month’s The Watchtower!
Gee, didn't realize how fun an issue of The Watchtower could be. Maybe I shouldn't turn away the nice people next time.
BTW - the first video doesn't play.
Thanks for the heads-up. I'll fix it.
BTW--most people are nice as long as you don't take them too seriously.
As far as I know.
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